Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3, Day 3

Today's photo topic was supposed to be clouds. There were a few up in the sky, but by the time I had a moment to snap, it was clear blue all across the horizon. The speck you can see is actually the moon! This photo is unedited/unaltered.

Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2, Day 2

Today was a photo of what you wore. There wasn't a convenient time to take a pic before I got dressed, nor after. Today's picture is just a shot of the leg of my super comfy sweats & glasses. Lazy days like this are the best, but not for photographing. Tweaked with Instagram.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 1, Day 1

I decided to participate in Project 365, and this Photo A Day Challenge. Of course that required a separate blog.

Today's photo: no makeup, no blow dryer, the end of a long day... just me.